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A Builder’s Guide to Prioritising Health and Well-being *


In such a demanding sector as construction, employee health is paramount.

From physical strength to mental resilience, success and satisfaction in construction roles rely on workers being able to perform at their best. In this guide, we’ve outlined some of the most effective strategies to help builders bolster their own performance with health, safety and wellbeing. 

Prioritising welfare in construction: Our top tips for builders

It’s so important for construction workers to maintain decent physical strength and fitness. 

This work is often physical labour, often repetitive in nature and lasting for hours at a time. Every construction worker should try to incorporate tailored training routines into their schedule, planning sessions around shifts and managing fatigue too. Experts recommend functional training for construction workers to prevent injuries and keep strong.

Proper lifting techniques are crucial for any worker to prevent injuries on-site. 

With the wrong technique, workers face serious risks and physical consequences like repetitive strain injury, plus joint problems that might arise after months or years. Learning proper lifting forms is a crucial task for any new construction worker.

Appropriate safety gear protects workers against all the most common hazards in construction. 

The essentials include hard hats, steel toe-capped boots, high-visibility outer layers and work gloves to shield the skin from harsh materials and chemicals. For construction workers who use angle grinders or work in polluted areas, safety glasses or goggles are key too.

There’s a clear link between balanced nutrition and energy levels, so a nourishing diet is crucial for those working long shifts on construction sites. Since construction workers often lack access to power, long-life snacks like dried fruits, nuts and cereal bars prove invaluable for topping up energy levels. Hydration is key too, so fresh drinking water should always be made available.

Prioritising health means enjoying full peace of mind on fitness to work. It’s important for any construction worker to schedule regular screenings and check-ups with healthcare providers, especially if they already have existing conditions. With a proactive approach, potential issues and conditions can be identified and addressed early on. 

Along with keeping active, construction workers must make sure to take enough time off. Due to the intense and often repetitive nature of the work, allowing the body time to recover is just as important as building early resilience. For those who find it difficult to ‘switch off’ and take time out, it’s important to set working boundaries and stick to them.  

Finally, it’s no secret that working in construction involves antisocial hours, tight deadlines, and having no choice but to work in unfavourable conditions and extreme temperatures. Stress and anxiety can be compounded if contractors try to take on too much work at once, or if project managers set unrealistic deadlines.

Construction workers shouldn’t hesitate to seek support from their immediate network or friends and family, whenever needed. For complex mental health concerns, it could be worth consulting an industry professional.

Taking care of health and wellbeing is a stepping stone to a long and successful career in construction. With the right tools and resources to succeed physically and mentally, a construction professional can succeed and enjoy a lucrative, rewarding role.


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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