*This is a collaborative post. There’s so much to say about the Emerald Isle that it’s hard to know where to begin. Add to this the other major problem of talking about Ireland – the huge number of interweaving cliches which dominate thought around it – and you can see why it is that many people find it difficult to get to the heart of…
*This is a collaborative post. You’re thinking of moving home because where you’re living right now probably doesn’t cut it for the lifestyle that you want. Whether adopting the minimalist vibe and downsizing everything you own to live in a truck. Alternatively, maybe you have no choice but to look for somewhere bigger to live because you need more space for your growing family of…
*This is a collaborative post. It is fortunate that the internet has shone a light on bad apples within the police, those who exercise their power for intense personal pleasure rather than being mindful and careful in a situation. While this is a vast minority of police officers, there are those that act in this way. Despite this fortune of the internet exposing said actions,…
*This is a collaborative post. Not until you actually get into it, but business has its own unique way of operating. You yourself will realize when you start a business, that you want to do things a certain way. It’s not to ignore advice from people who have been there and done that, but do whatever allows you to be most comfortable. In fact, every…
*This is a collaborative post. Nearly everybody feels a little bit self-conscious when they look in the mirror. This is understandable. After all, you see flaws in yourself that nobody else can spot. Even when others might compliment your appearance, it doesn’t matter. You’ll still criticise yourself when you look in the mirror later. So, what’s the key to confidence? Well, let’s discuss that in…
A person’s clothing does much more than keep the body covered. It also provides information about a person’s personality, lifestyle, employment, and more. Individuals often don’t take this into consideration when getting dressed each morning, but maybe they need to. What message are you sending when you get dressed each day? Your clothing choices can provide this information. The Basics Men and women who typically…
I was very kindly invited to review Chambers with in return for a review. However, as always, all opinions are entirely my own. If you’ve never heard of Chambers_, then you may have heard of Gingerline? If you’ve never heard of either then where on earth have you been hiding for the past few years? For those of you that have been living under a…
*This is a collaborative post. Small rooms in your home can be tricky to decorate and often, they end up not being used that much because people don’t really know how to deal with them. If you don’t get it right, they can feel very cramped and dingy, which isn’t the kind of relaxing space that you want to spend time in. The biggest problem…