London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Seven Ways to Bring More Sunlight into Your Home

A dark house with very little external light is a depressing place to live in that will absorb both your energy and electricity. It is important to get more light from outside into your home to elevate the spirit of your residents and to improve your health since sunlight can be vital to keep, mildew and viruses away. Sunlight is obviously an important part of…

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How the Get the Best out of Online Dating

Online dating can be a total minefield! I don’t think I’d even know where to start as dating is evolving so rapidly and I think the rules are so different now from when I was last dating. How an earth do you get your profile noticed when there are others out there looking too? I’ve chatted to a few friends that are enjoying their time…

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How to Stay Safe when Meeting Someone New when Online Dating

This is a collaborative post. When it comes to meeting a potential suitor online, it’s common practise these days. We all know someone that met their partner online or on a dating app. In fact, I’m more shocked now when people say they met in person than if they met online! It’s just the way our world is evolving. It’s just the way our world…

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Creating a Mother’s Day Hamper and Supporting Independent Businesses

This is post contains some gifted items. If you’ve been a reader for a while then you’ll know that I am a huge fan of supporting independent businesses and when it comes to creating gifts for people this is no exception. With Mother’s Day being just around the corner I thought I’d share with you some awesome brands that I think could work really well…

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Encouraging Wildlife To Your Garden

This is a collaborative post. Throughout the year, we all like to spend time outdoors, whether that’s down your local park or in your garden. If it’s your garden, then there are plenty of ways that you can help encourage wildlife into your surroundings. With our climate and environment suffering, we all need to do our bit to help the wildlife along. Here are just…

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How do I Market my Blog?

Starting a blog and writing great content is all well and good, but you’re going to have to spend some time marketing your blog too. You need to get the word out there whenever you’ve posted a new article and make sure those readers keep coming back. Marketing my blog wasn’t something I did early on and I rather regret that! Over my seven years…

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A Guide To British Events in 2019

This is a collaborative post. When it comes to British Events, 2019 is packed full to fit everyone’s genre of activities. So, here’s a top guide to the best things to do in Britain in 2019. As summer is closely approaching its time to think about what activities to plan and do throughout the rest of the year. For a glamorous and tasteful event, the…

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How have we Achieved a Better Nights Sleep this Year?

This is a collaborative post. I used to be such a bad sleeper; I’d wake myself up snoring, I couldn’t get off to sleep if Mike is snoring, I’d often get distracted by noises coming from outside whether it’s a fox or another resident making a raucous, and I was even worse if I’ve had a bevvy or two before bed. I made a promise…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!