London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Schoolies on the Gold Coast – A Safe Week of Ultimate Relaxation

The last week of November in Australia is one of the most anticipated and awaited time of the year for every student ending their 12th year of school. After surviving a hectic year preparing for and taking finals, researching universities and finishing up various school-related activities, students look forward to sunny days, beaches and relaxation with cooling drinks and their friends. This week of anticipated…

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Why You Should Consider Moving to Essex

You should all know by now that I am quite the Essex fan; I love living where I do and am such an advocate for everyone moving out of London to Essex! A lot of people I’ve spoken to are really anti-Essex and it baffles me as it’s far better than people make out! We have so many great place, great assets and are so…

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Trying Out the Woodforde’s Brewery Beer Range *

When I shot these photos I was fully convinced that football was coming home, England were going to win the World Cup, our country would have lost their minds celebrating and there would a lot of sick days with people nursing hangovers, but alas, as I type this football is on a temporary holiday in France. To say I’m heartbroken would be an understatement but I’m not…

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Trying New Make Up Looks with Just My Look *

I’ve never been one of those girlie girls that would spend ages getting ready or put much effort into their make up. Unless we were heading to a wedding or a special when I’d slap on a little red lippy and you know, make some effort! That was until I started spending more time with my girl gang who all seem to be really decent…

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British Household Dishes Throughout History *

Britain has always had a soft spot for cooking. Studies have shown that we own an average of five recipe books each, but now, more so than ever, we find ourselves turning to TV cooking shows, such as Come Dine with Me and The Great British Bake Off for further inspiration. We all have our favourite recipes, and our own special way to enhance them,…

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Lunch Time Catch Ups at The Giggling Squid, Billericay *

The end of last week all happened as a bit of a whirlwind; there was a phone call about a job, a phone interview, a face to face interview, a job offer, an acceptance email, a lunch at Giggling Squid and then a train up to Leeds for the weekend, and if I’m dead honest it’s all a bit of a blur! So yes, I…

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Where to Stay in Leeds Town Centre *

As you will have seen from my last post or on my Instagram Stories, I recently spent a couple of nights in Leeds visiting friends. I traveled up by train with Hayley from London’s Kings Cross to Leeds station in jut over 2 hours for £40 return which I thought was dead speedy and great value! We wanted to stay near to the station as…

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How to Care for Your Car Tyres in Hotter Temperatures *

*This is a collaborative post. With all this crazy heat we have going on right now, it’s not only ourselves we need to look after in summer! Nope, our car’s tyres are usually taken for granted and during the summer, tyre care is very important. We’ve had a really cold, snowy start to the year which takes it toll on our tyres and then to…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!