I spent last weekend up in Leeds with some of my favourite ladies, and again, all we did was eat! There are some really great places to both eat and drink in Leeds which I was so not prepared for or I might have booked a hotel with a gym in! Here’s a little round up of where we ate and drunk and if you’re in…
So it seems from my most recent blog posts that when I popped down to Winchester all we did was eat, and I’d like to confirm that. We did just eat, eat, eat and eat, oh and drink! I have zero complaints about weekends like these but as soon as I’m home I’m back on my Slimming World to get myself back in the game…
I love The Stable, which is an odd one for me as I’m not normally one that buys into chains, but The Stable have it sussed. They feel like an independent, one-off restaurant that really have put their everything into making their food and drink spot on. One thing I love about The Stable is the attention to detail of what they’re offering you, whether it’s the amazing pizza…
Not so long ago The Ivy opened one of its world-famous restaurants in Winchester and it just so happened I was spending a couple of nights there so I obviously had to stop by for a dinner date with Hayley. The decor was exactly as you would expect it; plush, rich in colours and table settings that would give nay wedding a run for its money. The…
For anyone that knows me, they’ll know I’m a massive animal fan, that I support local animal charities and that I love feeding homeless dogs, in fact, I always carry a tin of dog food in my bag in case I see one, yes, I am that weird! Yesterday morning I was out in our car park in my pyjamas trying to save an injured pigeon…
When it comes to travelling light, I’d like to think I’ve become a little bit of a pro! I really do travel with as little as possible as I like to keep my bag light as I use a Cabin Zero so I carry it around on my back. I use the front pouch on the Cabin Zero as my hand luggage section so I…
When I was asked by the team from National Express if I wanted out and find a #NationalWonder for them, I had no idea where I was going to end up. Would I be down at Stonehenge? Would I end up in London seeking out really old architecture? Would I be hunting down a National Wonder of the World? I was wrong on all accounts,…
We decorated the bedroom even before I moved in nearly 3 years ago now; we loved the colours, we got new carpets, we matched all our bedding perfectly, and we felt so proud of all the work we put in. There was just one thing that we couldn’t find that we really wanted; the perfect light. We’ve had the same gross brown light and lamp shape…