London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

What do you Wear for a Wedding in a Different Culture? *

Once the excitement of receiving a wedding invitation has worn off, it’s time to start planning your outfit. Choosing a guest outfit for a wedding in the UK is hard enough, but what about if you’ve been invited to a wedding of a different culture? Together with Charles Tyrwhitt, retailers of timeless menswear, we look at how the dress code of a wedding changes depending on…

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How to Ensure that your Washing Machine is Working Properly *

Your washing machine is a workhorse. It takes all the clothes, bedding, and other assorted items in its stride. Just like any other machine, it will break down just when you least expect it and cause you to run to the local laundrette, which gets old fast.  Being able to troubleshoot a few of the more common issues that crop up with washing machines enables…

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Incorporating Boutique Hotel Décor into Your Interiors *

Being able to travel the world and experience new places is amazing, but for many people it’s the hotel room that is one of the most exciting parts. There’s something special about a good hotel room, from the beautiful décor, to the memorable extras such as Molton Brown hand wash and Neom candles. When you find the perfect hotel room, you often find yourself not…

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Life Update; I’m Moving On…

I did something that didn’t work out and I feel was a bit of a mistake. I admit it. I mean, I’m only human after all and mistakes do happen. I took a job that I thought would be incredible, held so many prospects and would be something I’d be really proud of. It’s not turned out that way. Not at all. I left a job…

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Lazy Sunday Lunching at The Greyhound in Brentwood, Essex

 I am all about a good Sunday Roast and I mean a really good Sunday Roast. I don’t want any bog standard vegetables and my Yorkshire Pudding has got to be the size of my fist to make me be impressed, and I think locally we are really lacking that. I know Essex is a HUGE county with hundreds of pubs serving up a Roast…

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How to Earn Money from your Art *

The trope of the poor artist is prevalent in our culture, as we perceive that artists can struggle to earn real money from their creations. If you find yourself to be in this situation, then there are a few things that you can do to make more from your art. Create Prints If you don’t want to sell your original artwork just yet, or if…

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Dealing with Uncertainty: Brexit and the UK Jewellery Market *

As many of us are familiar with, 52% of Brits voted to leave the EU on the 23rd June 2016. Following the activation of Article 50 in March 2017, a two-year negotiation period has begun. The outcome of the deal is unknown and has left many businesses with uncertain futures. Before the polling date, retailers from the jewellery market were asked about their voting plans…

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How to Spend 8hrs in Winchester

I recently spent a super quick 24 hours staying with Hayley in Winchester, but a lot of that was chilling at hers, taking blog photos and having a proper old school girlie sleepover with Laura and Kariss! We did, however, spend a good few hours taking in the sights of Winchester, so here are the places I would visit to spend 8 hours there when…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!