If you’ve been following me for a while you will know that I set myself a challenge of working my way through a ‘30 before 30‘ list. It was my bucket list with tasks I knew I’d be able to work through and achieve as they were things I really wanted to do. Over the 12 months of 2017, I marked off a couple more…
On the 23rd December, we got told our car has to go off road for some work as it wasn’t up to scratch for passing its MOT. Typical right? It’s the busiest time of year for us with going between parents, dog sitting and travel plans. Getting a bus or cab is totally doable but it’s extra money we have to fork out when we…
So by now, you’ll all know that I’m a bit a drone freak! I love our drone a little too much and have planned some really great trips to take it on this year to help improve the content we are creating! Drone racing has also caught my eye recently but I’m a little useless at flying still to take that on, but little did I…
So, 2018 is here and I’m making a few tiny changes to my life to ensure I make the most out of it. I mean, 2017 was a pretty decent year when it comes to travel, the blog and spending time with my favourites. But I really want to make the most of 2018 and not leave the year at the end of it thinking…
I say it every year, but where an earth is time going?! I am sure it should still by July time as I feel I’ve got so much more I want to cram into this year! I have travelled a hell of a lot, more than I have any other year. I visited friends that I’ve made through the blogging world. I spent yet another…
We all know Moz as that cheeky monster that appeared in the John Lewis Christmas ad this year. He was pretty selfless when he gave the little boy whose bed he hid under a lamp so he wouldn’t be scared of the monster under there! I don’t know many people that selfless, so as ever, John Lewis are sending pretty lovely messages via their advertising.…
Whenever we talk to people that don’t live in London when we are travelling or those who have moved to London from further out they always say how expensive it is. London is actually in the top ten most expensive cities in the World to live, so it’s no surprise that it’s the most expensive place to live in the UK, so those people we…
When it comes to Christmas we all love to overindulge a little, but for me, it’s not the food I like to go a little over the top on, it’s the wines. That doesn’t mean I spend the entire festive period a little inebriated, I mean that I like to treat myself to a few really good bottles of wine and savour them. It is the…