London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Gift Ideas for the Traveler in your Family *

I don’t know about you, but I always get asked what I’d like for my birthday or Christmas, and it’s usually followed by a sentence regarding how difficult I am to buy for. I prefer to spend my money on experiences and enjoying life than on physical things, but for all those family members and friends out there who are struggling to think of present…

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Travel Accessories You Can’t Forget!

When it comes to travel there is always so much to pack and remember. Nine times out of ten I only travel with hand luggage so it’s a lot of cramming in and list making to ensure I’ve remembered all that I need to. It’s not the end of the world if you do forget something but I like to be super organised. I’ve got…

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Europcar & Why I Will Never Use Them Again!

After our trip to Berlin we had lots of problems getting home, more of which I will share in an easyJet themed post but it ended up with us having to hire a car and drive home from Newcastle to make it back in time for Mike’s 30th Birthday celebrations. That’s an almost five hour drive down the country to get home but it was…

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2017 Travel Plans

In 2016 I set myself the task of visiting 12 different places and I succeeded! You can see where I headed here. This year I’ve got only a few breaks planned as I’m trying super hard to save more towards our house but here’s what I have planned so far… This month Mike and I are back off to Bishop’s Castle Barn for 9 days…

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Free Years Gym Membership!!

As it’s the New Year, and a big thing for me this year is my London Marathon, I’ve got to keep fit and I know a lot of people start the year with a similar aspiration, so I’ve teamed up with the fantastic OnlineGym4Me to offer all my readers 1 years free online gym access. is an online gym with daily live and on-demand…

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52 Films in 52 Weeks!

Each year I set myself a target of watching 52 new films in a year, so one a week, and this year I failed so badly at it! We watched Making a Murdered, The Tudors, Stranger Things and Band of Brothers so they took up a lot of our film watching time as they were quite long episodes. With us being away for Mike’s 30th…

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Sugar Dumplin’, London *

When I have a gig I always like to eat first. They always finish too late to worry about food on the way home! We’ve have three gigs at Wembley Stadium this month but only ate nearby once, and we’re gutted we did so as Wembley Park has a great food offering in their new shopping area around the London Designer Outlet. Before seeing Placebo…

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See London by Night with buyagift *

Waaaaaay back in August buyagift sent me some vouchers to have some fun with, and we certainly monkied around at Go Ape, but our other voucher was for the Orbit Slide at Stratford. Queue the issues beginning; the slide is only open til 5pm and I work til 5.30pm so a weekday wasn’t doable. So then we’d book for a weekend right? Sadly not, it was…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!