London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Flashbacks with New Look!

I’m sure, like most of you, that when I look back on some of my previous fashion choices I cringe beyond words! There was a time in my life that I would only wear designer labels, mainly Burberry, and a time where I wanted to wear my full Tottenham kit complete with socks ALL the time. I wasn’t going to be winning any awards for…

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Sloane Bros Frozen Yoghurt Co.

Can you fall in love with a frozen yoghurt shop?! If you can, I certainly did at the weekend! The sun was shining, the weather was sweet, made me wanna eat lots of frozen yoghurt to keep cool so it was lucky that Sloane Bros Frozen Yoghurt Co. were on hand to serve myself and my good friend Hermione some of the best fro yo we’ve…

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Ideas to Help You Look and Feel Better Than Ever This Year!

If you want to look and feel your best this year, don’t just sit around doing nothing. Too many people complain about not feeling great, but do nothing to make themselves feel better. Use these ideas and see if they help you! Dye Your Hair a Colour You’ve Always Liked I always feel better when I take a risk and like the results, just like…

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The Best Places to Eat Evening Dim Sum in London

For anyone who’s ever turned up to a Chinese restaurant to be gut-wrenchingly told that the delicious bite-size dishes aren’t served in the evening, this is for you. As per Cantonese tradition, Dim Sum is usually only served from Noon until 5pm. But if you know where to look, you can find delicious Dim Sum (often with great cocktails) after dark in London. Here are…

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Beat Your Monday Blues!

The amazing feeling of beating traffic lights, chomping on a favourite chocolate bar or dessert, and even buying new shoes or clothes can all be beaten by securing a great holiday deal according to new research. For almost 60 per cent of British travellers an amber light, a sweet treat or fancy footwear cannot compete with the euphoria of knowing they have secured a great…

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The ICEBAR, London.

On Friday night myself and the chap took a wander over to Heddon Street, just off Regent Street, to experience the ICEBAR.  For the chap tis was his first time in London and I hadn’t been in a good three years so the design was totally new.  I’d been mega excited about this all day as I knew we’d be having a decent night ahead!…

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#ThistleBusTour – Afternoon Tea on a Bus in London

I love afternoon tea, but I don’t really like public transport.  When you’re served afternoon tea on private public transport, well, that’s a different story really! I headed out with 18 other bloggers for a lovely Sunday morning thanks to Thistle Hotels. There were tea, cakes, scones and some seriously good company! I mean I usually spend my Sunday mornings in bed until 12 then…

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Top 6 Love Island Hotels

Love is in the air when it comes to island life, and what better way to discover your own romantic getaway than checking into an island retreat. Europe boasts an array of islands around its coastlines and has selected the best hotels that showcase their beauty. These six hotels dotted throughout European seas will give even the infamous Love Island a run for its…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!