London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Erddig Apple Festival

No, this isn’t the type of Apple Music Festival you’re thinking of, this is a festival of the foodie kind.. well it’s more of a challenge to be honest with you… The challenge offered local cafés, restaurants and food outlets the chance to develop a dish which is based around one of the 170 varieties of apple grown on the Erddig estate. Thirteen local chefs…

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Alt Music Challenge

So the chap and I took on the Zoe London music challenge, and here’s our outcome… Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel either!…

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How to Give Your Hair an Epic Makeover*

Are you ever just completely fed up with your hair? Maybe you’ve had the same style for too long or you’re annoyed that it won’t ever do what you want it to. A beautiful head of hair is the pride and joy of a lot of women, and they want it to look its best. If you think yours isn’t pulling its weight as part…

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The Bloggers Interview

The lovely Penny over at A Penny for Them has tagged myself in The Bloggers Interview, so here goes… How did you get into blogging? Whilst at Uni my tutor encouraged us to start a blog to share our coursework with the class to help each other out, when I got bored of that I decided a music blog for unsigned bands was a super…

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How Clean is your Home?

When it comes to cleaning I’m actually useless, living at home has taken its toll on me with that! My mum is the most tidy person I have ever met and sadly I don’t take after her, I don’t mean I’m messy by any means but my cleanliness standards are nowhere near as high as hers! When my parents disappear for a holiday I know…

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Top 10 Star Wars Fight Scenes

Are you a Star Wars fan? Can you not wait until 18th Dec for the newest film? Well if that’s the case check out Morph Costumes run down their top ten fight scenes from the films so far… What’s your favourite fight scene?…

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Vita Coco Coconut Water*

I never thought I’d be a fan of Coconut water due to the fact I’m a great disliker of coconut, but after hearing how good it is for you and how it can miraculously help hangovers I though time to buck up my ideas and give it a go! The lovely team over at Vita Coco sent me a really cute little crate to test…

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Student Tech with Currys PC World

Technology has changed vastly since I started university back in 2008; I had a chunky MacBook that weighed more than it was worth, a first generation iPod Touch that was an 18th birthday present that got me through my commute as I lived at home, a Sony Cybershot Camera that was always in my bag that died a painful death one evening and was replaced…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!