London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

How To Never Neglect Your Self-Care Again *

*Collaborative Post. Self-care is essential for everyone. It’s the practice of taking care of yourself, emotionally and physically, so that you can better take care of others. However, many people neglect their self-care due to hectic lifestyles or a lack of knowledge about what constitutes good self-care. So here are some easy ways to ensure that you never neglect your self-care again. Make A Self-Care…

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Pointers for Selecting a Trustworthy HVAC Company *

*Collaborative Post. There will come a time when you need to get your system serviced or fixed. When it comes to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, not all businesses are created equal. You need to be aware of what to do and what to avoid in order to get the best possible outcomes. If you want to know what to look for in a qualified…

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So You’ve Inherited Some Furniture… Now What? *

*Collaborative Post. So, you’ve inherited some furniture from a family member or friend. It might be old and outdated, or it might be something that’s just taking up space in your home. What do you do with it? Here are 14 ideas to get you started! Photo by Anthony Fomin on Unsplash Donate it to a Local Charity or Thrift Store If you’re not attached…

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Here’s How To Organise The Ideal Engagement Party *

*Collaborative Post. An engagement party is a great way to celebrate your new relationship status. Moreover, you can catch up with loved ones, meet your future in-laws, and showcase your favourite pick among diamond engagement rings. If this is your first time hosting an engagement party, you may wonder where to begin. Fortunately, certain tips can help you achieve the desired outcome, including the following. …

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Genius Ways To Ensure Your Home Stays Toasty-Warm This Winter *

*Collaborative Post. Heating our homes this winter is a subject that is on everyone’s mind right now. What with the colder weather approaching, and the cost of living and especially fuel skyrocketing. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure your home stays as warm and toasty as possible no matter how low the temperatures drop. Read on to find out what they are. Install proper insulation…

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Things to Consider When Buying a Gift for Someone *

*Collaborative Post. Buying a gift for someone can be one of the hardest and most frustrating tasks to do, when it should be a fun task to complete. Gift-giving is an opportunity to show someone that you care about them, and know them well enough to get something they will love. They are the perfect way to show affection, and bond with a friend or…

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Little Ways To Be More Eco Conscious *

*Collaborative Post. More and more people are starting to think about ways to lead more eco conscious lives. As a result of climate change and various other environmental concerns that are seemingly getting worse, an increasing number of us are looking for ways that we can make a difference to our environmental impact.  The concept of making changes is a great one but knowing how…

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Spruce Up Your Patio *

*Collaborative Post. The patio is often one of the most neglected parts of any property. Most of us will plonk a table and chairs on there so we can sit whenever the weather is good, and leave it at that. But, if you have a patio, you can do so much more with it. You can make it one of the best places to spend…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!