London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

5 Property Disputes You May be Involved in in Your Lifetime *

*Collaborative Post. In this article, we look at some of the most common property disputes and, how to handle them… For most property owners, having your own place feels rewarding and can provide a greater sense of fulfilment. However, for others it can bring about a great deal of stress if issues start to arise such as a parking dispute or living next door to…

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3 Staycation Ideas for When You’re Tired of Traveling *

*Collaborative Post. There comes a time in every traveler’s life when they just need to take a break. Maybe you just finished your second round-the-world trip, or maybe you have been on the road nonstop for the past three years. Either way, if you are looking for a staycation instead of another vacation, we have some great ideas for you. A staycation is basically a…

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5 Common Kitchen Mistakes when Renovating Your Home *

*Collaborative Post. Renovating your home is costly and time-consuming, so you want to avoid making a mess of things. Here are some common kitchen mistakes when renovating you need to avoid. Not Measuring Properly There are many essential functions in a new kitchen. One of the most critical ways to ensure a proper installation is by measuring everything perfectly. If you don’t measure correctly, you…

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Simple Ways To Make Your Workout More Effective *

*Collaborative Post. However much you workout, when you do so you are going to want to make sure that it is as effective as possible. After all, there is otherwise little point in putting time aside to do it in the first place. But how are you actually supposed to make sure of that? As it happens, there are a few key ways in which…

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Welcoming A Small Animal Into Your Family: What You Need To Know *

*Collaborative Post. Over recent years, pet ownership has risen astronomically, as many of us come to realise the appeal of having a furry friend to love us unconditionally.  Pets are more than just animals; they’re members of the family. They give us love and affection, and in return all they need is tender love and a lot of care. As such, getting a pet is…

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Practical Tips To Keep Your Tenants Happy *

*Collaborative post. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) data revealed that the UK’s total landlord population now exceeds 2.65 million. If you own rental property, you will agree that vacant units are one of the biggest threats to your business. Vacant units may be due to high tenant turnover, so it is crucial to develop a great relationship with your renters, especially the best ones.…

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From Storage to Slats: Rethinking Your Garage Space *

*Collaborative Post. Whether you are moving into a new home or making some upgrades, a garage is something that is invaluable to most of us. It’s a great storage facility and it can house our cars, but when there’s a garage that’s full to the brim with clutter, what can you do about it? Let’s show you some options so you can get the most…

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How to Turn Your Home into the Perfect Entertaining Space *

*Collaborative Post. When you think about it, your home is the perfect place for entertaining. It’s cosy and comfortable, and you already know where everything is. But sometimes, it can be a little tricky to turn your home into the perfect entertaining space. That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips to help you! Keep reading to learn more. Multiple Seating Areas Sitting is…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!