London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Why Cleaning The Interior And Exterior Of Your House Is Important *

*Collaborative Post. Maintaining a clean home is important for many reasons. Not only does it make your house look nicer, but it also helps to keep you and your family healthy. This blog post will discuss the importance of cleaning both the interior and exterior of your house on a regular basis. It will also provide tips on how to best clean each area of…

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Clear Signs You’re Ready For Parenthood *

*Collaborative Post. Ah, parenting. It’s a big decision to choose in life, to become a parent and raise children. It’s not for everyone, but it’s something that so many people are excited about at some point in life. Being a parent is not a snap decision, however, as it’s a life-changing event that will make sure that your life never looks the same again. When…

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Meet the Brewer – Hans Oelofse – Chelmsford Brew Co.

Back with round three in the ‘Meet the Brewer’ series with a far shorter wait this time around! Today, it’s time to chat with Hans Oelofse from Chelmsford Brew Co. in, yes you guessed it, Chelmsford! How did you become a brewer? I’ve always been curious about how things work, I like to take things apart and understand them. Brewing was something I was curious…

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How To Take Care Of The Exterior Of Your Home *

*Collaborative Post When it comes to maintenance, tidying, cleaning, and even renovation, it is likely to be the interior of your home that you focus on. This makes sense; after all, this is where you spend most of your time when you are at home. Yet you must not forget about the exterior of your home as well – it is just as important but…

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Meet the Brewer – Phil Wilcox, Wibblers Brewery

A few months later than planned we have the second in the ‘Meet the Brewer’ series! Today, we are catching up with Phil Wilcox, Founder & Head Brewer of Wibblers Brewery in Southminster, Essex. How did you become a brewer? Long story! I started hobby brewing back in Romford in the 1990s and when I moved out to where we are now I brought my…

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7 Budget-Friendly Upgrades for Your Bathroom *

*Collaborative post. At the moment, you don’t have the budget to invest in a full renovation for your bathroom. However, you have been hoping to refresh your bathroom interior for some time now. You are always on the lookout for budget-friendly upgrades for your bathroom, so now is the perfect time to start looking for the best ideas for you. If you’re looking to upgrade…

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Five Ways To Make Your Home Feel Fresh *

*Collaborative post. It’s difficult enough to keep your home neat and tidy when you’re living alone, let alone when you’re managing a family and work. As a result, the key to success is to maintain cleaning tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Photo by Precious Plastic Melbourne on Unsplash To keep your home feeling fresh and clean, follow these five basic cleaning tips and…

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Work From Home Essentials You Need to Ace Right Now *

*Collaborative post. There are a lot of ideas that you need to make the most of when it comes to improving your working life. There are so many essentials that play a part in helping you to make your working life better as much as possible. You have to focus on doing as much as you can to improve the way you are able to…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!