London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

A Few Tips to Make Moving Home Easier

*Collaborative post. When it comes to moving home, there are so many things that people have shared with me that I never would have thought of myself. I’ve been storing them up so I’m gonna share some of these little nuggets of wisdom with you now so you can benefit … and when I finally get to that point, I will use them too! Purge…

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Home Subscriptions That Really Make A Difference *

*Collaborative Post. Running a home can be a lot of work. But it turns out that there are a bunch of subscriptions that let you lower your costs and improve your quality of life at the same time. In this post, we run through some of them, explaining how they benefit you.  Meal Kits Unsplash – CC0 License The rise of meal kit services has…

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How To Choose The Best Place To Live *

*Collaborative Post. Have you ever considered moving from your current area to a new one? So many people choose to live within a few miles of the place that they grew up in, but what if you could spread your wings and fly the nest a little – wouldn’t you want to? The biggest issue to consider is how to pick the best place to…

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What is the Appeal of Playing Poker?

Poker has been entertaining the masses for centuries now, although its origins still cause much debate, with some claiming that it dates as far back as the 10th century to when a Chinese emperor played a variation of it, although some historians claim that the first real version of poker was taken from Poque, a popular game widely played in France in the 17th century.…

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Tips for Decorating Your Dining Room *

*Collaborative Post. Dining rooms are truly the heart of many homes. This is a place where people share good times with their family and friends. A dining room is also a place where a family can relax and watch television and have conversations as a family. You can use your money winnings from real money casinos to buy staff for decorating your dining room beautifully.…

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Gadgets to Help You Sleep at Night *

*Collaborative post. A lot of people suffer from insomnia. This is due to various medical issues. Not only that, but our lives are so busy nowadays and we have a lot going on. Because of that, it’s difficult to sleep soundly at night. This is why you find so many people playing casino en ligne en France games and video games late at night. Now,…

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Tips for Decorating Your Garden *

*Collaborative post. Want to know a few key ways to decorate your garden for summer? Then read on! An Outdoor Rug and Ornaments “A furnished garden shouldn’t appear too flawless or artificial,” says Susie Beall, an interior designer who designed the gardens on their rolling acre in Southern California home with her architect husband, Ed. Their goal was to make outdoor rooms as comfortable as…

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Properly Defining What YOU Want From Your Home

*Collaborative Post. Look around home furnishing showrooms, view furniture online, and try to decide on how to renovate your home, and you’ll come upon many different ideas and pre-designated ideals that help you define your home at the behest of someone else’s creativity. Of course, that’s totally fine. We’d all be pretty intolerable if we felt we just ‘had’ to change the definition of what…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!