London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Does Hiring help Make you a Bad Parent? *

*This is a collaborative post.

Social media is an incredible platform to connect with different people and communities. But this connectivity and shareability come at a price. Receiving criticism is just as frequent as receiving support. And parenting is smack-down in the middle of this chaos. 

Whatever your parenting style might be, there will always be disapproval from someone. Hiring help is one thing that’s heavily debated. And mothers usually seem to be on the receiving end of this backlash. 

So does hiring help make you a bad parent? Absolutely not! Most parents hire help because they have a demanding career or simply don’t have the experience to do it justice.  

Here are a few services you should feel no shame and guilt about hiring-

Live-in nanny

The first few weeks after bringing your newborn home are going to be exhausting. The sleepless nights alone are enough to break down a strong soul. Instead of living with the constant anxiety of things going wrong, hire a live-in nanny for a while. They can help you settle into a routine and also offer the much-needed help with postpartum recovery. Asking someone to look after your child a few hours in a day so that you can rest doesn’t make you a bad parent, it actually makes you a sensible one.


Unfortunately, many parents don’t have the privilege of taking a long maternity or paternity leave. If you are bound by a contract and have to go back to work, look for a daycare for your children. Yes, you would be spending less time with your kids, but you also must earn a living to provide for them. Don’t let society pity your career and family time against each other. You can indeed have it all. As the years get on, you will still need to find ways they can be looked after during the day when you are at work, especially as they reach close to school age. You can look online for available schools by searching what you want and your area, for example – “preschool child care near me in Bel Air South, MD“, and then make your decision from there.

Organising and cleaning services

Does your house always look like it was hit by a tornado? Buckle up because it’s going to be like that for at least the first 7-8 years of your child’s life. To save yourself from stepping on Lego pieces, seek organising and cleaning services.

You can also use the likes of Green Facilities who are a commercial cleaning company that offers regular and periodic contract cleaning services to commercial venues within all industry sectors located across the London, Greater London and home counties which will be a great help if you spend extra time at work cleaning!

Meal prepping services

Don’t have the time or skills to cook? Don’t want your child’s diet to consist of take-out? To provide your family with fresh and nutritious meals, get a meal prepper on board. A professional meal prepper will come over to your house and prepare meals for the week according to your dietary requirements.


Even if you were good at school doesn’t mean that you would remember all of it after 15 years. Instead of struggling with middle school algebra, get a tutor for your children. It’s much more productive.

Driving Instructor

Yes, you taught your little girl how to ride a bicycle, but driving a car is a bit more complicated than that. Learning how to drive is a rite of passage, which is why you should involve a driving instructor. 

Professional driving lessons build strong fundamentals. Jason M Thorne offers reliable and affordable driving lessons. 

Help for breastfeeding 

Breastfeeding is healthy for newborns and helps them develop strong immune systems. It protects them from infections and illnesses.

But breastfeeding often doesn’t come naturally to new moms, and there’s no shame in that. Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you are expected to know all about breastfeeding. 

If you’re having trouble breastfeeding your child, you should get in touch with a professional lactation consultant. Such a professional can help you navigate through breastfeeding challenges. Being a new parent is stressful and highly emotional, but you don’t have to do it alone.

In conclusion…

Parenting is difficult and no amount of self-help books can prepare you for it. If someone gives you crap about doing the best for your children, block them. You don’t need that kind of energy in your life


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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