London Living with an Alternative Twist!

How to Improve Your Garden in Time for Summer *

*Collaborative post.

The sun has started shining, and the evenings are becoming lighter, which means the summer is on its way! After a long, cold winter, the arrival of the summer months is always something to look forward to and is guaranteed to put a spring in your step. There are so many reasons to love this time of year. But one of the best things about the summer is spending more time outside enjoying the sunshine. However, before you can head outside and truly enjoy the summer, you need to get your garden looking its best.

Having your own area of outdoor space is a huge advantage and is especially good during the summer. Being able to head outside and relax in the warm glow of the sunshine is the perfect way to spend your free time without needing to leave the comfort of your own property. 

If you are keen to get the most from your garden this summer, it is essential to get it ready for the arrival of the new season. Here are some of the ways that you can improve your garden in time for the summer:

Add Some Colour

Summer is the time of year when gardens are usually alive with colour. Adding extra colour to your garden will instantly make it look attractive and encourage beautiful bees and butterflies into your space. Introducing colour is a quick and easy way to spruce up your outdoor space and add extra interest to your backyard. There are loads of ways to add a touch of extra colour. You may want to plant some bright flowers so that they put on a vibrant display when they are in bloom. Alternatively, you could paint your garden woodwork, such as your fences and shed, in a new shade of paint to make them look totally different. 

Take Care of Your Trees

Trees are a wonderful addition to any garden and are not only attractive to look at but also offer some much-needed shade when the weather gets hot. However, taking care of your trees is essential to ensure they look their best and are safe. Calling a tree lopping service to come and take care of any overhanging branches or to modify your tree’s shape before the summer will ensure your trees are in perfect condition throughout the rest of the year.

Prepare Your Furniture

Getting your garden furniture out of the shed and inspecting it is wise before those hot summer days arrive. Checking your outdoor furniture early is the best way to ensure you can comfortably relax and enjoy those first days of sunny weather. 

After being stored throughout the winter, your furniture may be looking a little worse for wear. So, giving it a clean to get rid of all the cobwebs, dust, and debris is essential. If you have wooden furniture, you may want to give it a fresh coat of paint to protect it from the elements and get it looking back at its best. 

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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