London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Best Places to Earn Money as a Freelancer *

I know I’ve waffled a lot about going freelance lately and I promise it will stop soon as the novelty will soon wear off I’m sure, but having been working full time for myself for the past few weeks I’ve been very conscious about ensuring I have enough cash to get me through the next month. “And how are you doing that?”, I hear you…

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Planning For A Sightseeing Trip In A Helicopter *

Why stand and stare up at the sky when you can head off on a helicopter sightseeing tour? For groups and people tired of sidewalk crowds, long lines and double-decker buses contending with busy traffic, a helicopter tour is the perfect thing, be it during a holiday or as a way to experience a city like never before. But, with limited space, the unpredictability of…

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How I’m Making a Little Extra Cash Now I’m Freelance *

As you all know, I made the leap this month; I quit my job, become freelance and am taking the time out I need to find the job I really want to do. So obviously, I now don’t have a guaranteed income I’ve been finding new ways to top up my cash flow every month and one that I’ve found that’s mega easy to use. It’s…

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Why I Can’t Wait to have a Home with Our Own Garden *

Hopefully this time next year we will be well into our search for a home to purchase! I’m taking a step up and becoming a real adult. I mean I’m semi-adult now living with a boyfriend and cooking etc, but I’m going to level up to homeowner status! Mike already owns the flat we live in so he’s already a full-blown adult, at times, but…

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How Will We be Celebrating this Valentine’s Day?

We aren’t into Valentine’s; I don’t need one day a year to tell Mike I’d marry him tomorrow if I could, and I’m sure he doesn’t need one day a year to tell me he’d love me even I didn’t buy him a camera and the drone! We already know that for a fact, we tell each other when we want cuz we’re just cute…

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What Trends will Hit our Homes this Year in 2018? *

The best part of being a homeowner is making the much-needed changes to keep up with the home-décor trends that come and go. We’re now in 2018, and there’s a whole new array of trends out, so will you be joining in on them!? A blast from the past; Trends that made Waves in 2017 In order to make reasonable predictions for 2018, we need…

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What I Packed for Spending a Week in Shropshire *

As you will have seen, we’ve recently spent just over a week in the lush Shropshire Hills and with it being our fifth visit there, I’m gradually getting better with what to pack for the two of us with the ever-changing weather. This year we took a far better amount of bags; I think it was just a large suitcase for clothes, two hand luggage cases…

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How Much do Home Improvements Add to a Home’s Value?

The price tags associated with home improvements can easily put you off going ahead with a project, it’s something we always toy with before doing work in the flat. After all, data from the Office for National Statistics has predicted that those in the UK collectively spend almost £30 billion on home improvements annually, which is a hell of a lot of money. That works…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!