London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

A Builder’s Guide to Prioritising Health and Well-being *

*Collaboration In such a demanding sector as construction, employee health is paramount. From physical strength to mental resilience, success and satisfaction in construction roles rely on workers being able to perform at their best. In this guide, we’ve outlined some of the most effective strategies to help builders bolster their own performance with health, safety and wellbeing.  Prioritising welfare in construction: Our top tips for…

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Sprucing Up Your Garden: Innovative Wood Projects for Outdoor Spaces

*Collaboration As the seasons turn, many of us feel a nudge to refresh our surroundings, and that often includes our gardens. Tackling a few wood projects can completely transform your outdoor area into a more inviting and functional space.  Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a relative novice in the world of woodworking, you’ll find a project to suit your skills and spruce up your…

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Technology Behind Grass Tennis Shoes: Enhancing Performance on the Court *

*Collaboration Grass courts are known for their iconic status within the realm of tennis, symbolising tradition, prestige, and a unique set of challenges that affect both play and player equipment—particularly footwear. Tennis shoes designed specifically for grass court play incorporate advanced technology designed to maximise performance by improving traction, comfort, and stability. Traction and Grip One of the primary technological advancements in grass tennis shoes…

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Badminton Rackets for Children: A Buying Guide *

*Collaboration. Introducing children to badminton not only promotes physical activity but also teaches them valuable coordination skills, discipline, and the joy of a lifelong sport. Selecting the right racket can make a significant difference in how comfortably and effectively a child plays. This guide aims to simplify the process of choosing the best children’s badminton racket for your young player. Understanding the Importance of the…

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The Evolution of Street Stunt Scooters *

*Collaboration The street stunt scooter, a staple in urban sports culture, has evolved dramatically from its humble beginnings. What started as a simple mode of transportation has transformed into a dynamic tool for athletic expression and competition. This evolution mirrors broader trends in action sports, where innovation in design and community engagement combine to elevate relatively simple concepts into global phenomena. Origins and Early Development…

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The Decades That Defined Me *

*Collaboration As a proud late ’80s baby, if there’s one thing that’s shaped my journey, it’s been the rollercoaster ride through the ’90s, ’00s, and ’10s. Those were the years of growth, self-discovery, and shaping the person I am today. Ah, the ’90s – a time of bold fashion statements and epic music. Picture me rocking a Kangol flat cap, turned backward a la Samuel…

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What You Need to Know Before Renting *

*Collaboration Renting a home offers flexibility, fewer maintenance responsibilities, and the ability to live in an area where you might not be able to afford to buy. With around 4.6 million households in the private rented sector in England, it’s clear that renting is a significant part of the housing market.  Renting can be a wise choice for many, offering the chance to live in…

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Four Adventure Holiday Destinations in the UK *

*collaboration With its diverse and breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and fascinating culture, the UK is the perfect place for an adventure holiday. Whether you plan to explore the UK by foot or by bike, there are plenty of fantastic adventure holiday destinations to choose from. If you’re looking for an exciting holiday close to home, here’s some inspiration for your next adventure in the UK.…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!